Monday, June 29, 2020

Hot dog cookout

Hello everyone! I've been slacking with the emails lately sorry!  So, this week I hit my one year mark!  Kind of crazy to think about but I'm so grateful for this year.  I've learned so much out here and I wouldn't trade the experiences I've had for anything.

This week was pretty fun!  We had a party/eating appointment on Tuesday and it was wild hahha. We had some crazy turn of events. We got there and the owner of the house thought that he had corona so he stayed inside the whole time.  We only have one hour at appointments for the time being and when we were there for the first 30 minutes the branch sat and chilled hahah. Then they asked us to cook up the hot dogs and dinner and by the time we were done we had to leave! Then we found out that we had to sing because it was a Danish holiday that day and it sounded pretty bad hahaha.  Overall a funny night.

Remember that God is with us all the time.  He is always reaching out to us and wants to bless us.  Reach out to him this week :) I love you all!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) Us eating out with a nice member from Bornholm last week
2) Chapel view from the church in Bornholm
3) I got to join the zoom call to watch my grandma and grandpa fisher give their last talks as the Temple Square Mission President :)


1) Elder Ngatikaura as bike man

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Just Do It!

Hey guys! This week was good. We had district meeting, splits and a lot of fun! We have church now here in Denmark and we can eat with members! Things are opening up more and the weather is awesome! I'm loving it out here and I'm grateful I get to stay out and keep working. To any of you that are thinking about going on a mission, DO IT!! Its a great decision and has changed my life. I love the Lord and I love all of you! I hope you have a great week and keep being awesome!!

Ældste Fisher


1) shades + dew = good day
2) harbor in Nykøbing Falster
3) mission nerds: past & present. President Olsen had us recreate a picture of us and our dads when they were our age
4) whoops....forgot our key

Monday, June 1, 2020

Bornholm Field trip!

Hey everyone! Sorry I missed last week.  It’s been another good week here in Denmark.  We got to visit an island called Bornholm and the members there, it was pretty cool!!  The island is fairly small but so pretty!  Our ferry left at 12:00midnight so it made for a late night.  We drove our car onto the ferry then made it up to our cuddy and zonked off.  It was a 6 hour boat ride so we set our alarm for 5:30am to make sure we’d be up in time.  So the alarm went off and of course we hit snooze and the next thing we know, we are woken up to a loud announcement telling us that we needed to be ready to get off the boat in a matter of minutes.  It was a mad dash to say the least but we made it.  Ha ha!  Since we got to the island so early we were able to go straight to a really cool castle and walk around before we headed to the apartment.  The apartment was disgusting!  Because of the whole Corona quarantine stuff, the elders left the apartment in a big hurry 3 months ago and left some fruit, bread and other food out on the counter.  It smelled so bad!!  Everything was moldy and so gross!  So we spent a good part of the morning cleaning, it took forever but we left it in much better shape. Ha ha! 

While we were on the island, we walked into a shop and this guy saw it was the missionaries so he showed us a bunch of airsoft guns and gave us a hat!  Way funny but it was awesome too!  We were able to meet with a few members and give them a quick message so that was fun to meet them.  It was a quick day and a half trip but so much fun too!

We have been doing a lot of facebook finding lately and even though the mission can be tough sometimes, I'm fighting and loving it! 

Remember what Christ has done for us, remember the goodness of God and pray for those in need especially in these crazy times in the world and in the US.  I love you all! Stay safe.

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher