Monday, July 20, 2020

Fresh Start

Hey everyone!

This week was good.  We had Zone Conference and it was super good to see the other missionaries.  This next week we are having a conference with all the Elders in the mission.  We're having a barbecue and then playing sports!  It will be super fun!

In times of Covid and everything else going on in the world, it could be super easy to get caught up in negative thoughts and forget what is most important.  The Atonement of Jesus Christ.  Christ gives us the opportunity to have a fresh start every day!  I have come to appreciate and love this gift more than ever on my mission.  It has changed me and it will  change anyone who uses it.  I love you all!  Take 20 minutes every day to read your scriptures and study about the gospel.  It will change your life 🙂  Have the best week!

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher


1) We went on splits with a member :)
2) Elder Ngatikaura...ha ha ha

Monday, July 13, 2020

Rely on God

Howdy!  This week was another good one!  When we really rely on God and trust him it makes a huge difference.  We had a district finding activity and it was super fun.  We have been trying to find new friends and working for it.  Denmark has been pretty cold for summer actually hahha it has been like 60 degrees and raining.  Hopefully it gets warmer in August! Sorry this is pretty short but know that I love you all and so does our Heavenly Father! Have a great week!

Ældste Fisher :)

PS: Happy Birthday to my brother Nick on Wednesday! He's finally 18 and now an adult.  ha ha


Churches and gardens and rain

Monday, July 6, 2020

Staying put in Nykøbing!

Hey everybody! This week was good. We had a district activity where we roasted marshmallows and hot dogs.  I loved it.  It reminded me of the good ol days back home.  ha ha.  We also got to go on splits with other Elders in my was a good time.  Also, I found out this week that I will be staying for another transfer in Nykøbing with Elder Ngatikaura!  It will be dope, I'm excited.  

The work is moving forward.  We met a guy named Muhammad who has come to church a couple times and loves the Book of Mormon already.  I invite you all to read a chapter every day in the Book of Mormon!  It will change your life.  

I love you all!  Have a great week!

Ældste Fisher :)


1) Me and Ngati with our favorite chocolate milk
2) Out on one of our nightly walks
3) found some cool graffiti
4) cookout fun
5) district pic at the cookout activity