Monday, September 21, 2020

Story time

Hey everyone!  This week was super good. We had a lot of fun and I have some cool stories to tell!!  We went to a members house in Kalundborg for an eating appointment and while we were there he told us a cool story.  He served his mission in England and when he was there he got a referral and it turned out to be the bass player for Ozzy Osbourne!  He ended up being taught and baptized because he had talked with a member when he was on tour & it made him interested in the church.  He ended up changing his life completely around.  It was a crazy story to hear!  We also had an elders zone conference in Odense so that was fun to see a bunch of the missionaries. 

Later in the week we had a lesson with one of our friends this past week and she had a super cool experience after we asked her to pray about the Book of Mormon.  She said that she had prayed about it and as soon as she was done she felt a burning in her fingers, got tired, and went to bed.  She then had a dream about a man dressed in all white who was giving her a couple of options to see her dad (who has passed away) again.  So cool!  I know the church is true and I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves us all!

Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Monday, September 14, 2020

Fanny pack and slippers

Halløj everyone!  I hope you all have had a good week.  I'm doing good out here. I've been lucky enough to be teaching more than my other areas and it has been awesome!  I've learned the best way to strengthen your testimony is to bear it.  I challenge you all to bear your testimony in a small way every day whenever you see the opportunity arise. 

We had a meeting in Næstved this Sunday with a small branch of 8 people.  I got to talk and bless the sacrament.  The spirit was very strong it was awesome.  Besides that it was super weird hahahah!!!  We had a couple of dudes come who were very different... one would not say hi to anyone and the other one was wearing a fanny pack and slippers. Nothing wrong with that fashion choice, it was just unique.  During the meeting, one of the dudes was rocking back and forth and the other one wouldn't stop talking to anyone that would listen to him.  After the meeting was over, one of them turned around to the lady who's house we had the meeting at and asked her in Danish if she was going to be serving any snacks.  After he heard that she didn't have any snacks, he basically bolted for the door hahahah!! Funny stuff hahah!!  I love Denmark and I am loving the work!  Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher


1) Cool lighthouse in Slagelse

2) Giant bridge that connects a few of the Danish islands


Our church car was almost as cool and as fast the white Ferrari...

Monday, September 7, 2020


Hey guys!  Sorry I didn't write last week but I've been doing really good!  We are actually teaching a few people in Slagelse and it's the best!  It's always super cool to introduce people to the Gospel and to help them understand more about our church.  Me & Elder Appleby are doing great!  It's been a fun couple of weeks.  I got to go to Copenhagen last Monday and Tuesday.  It was way good to see the MTC district and to explore Copenhagen a little bit.

My thought for the week is to keep feeding yourself spiritually.  You may not notice the difference in one day if you don't study the scriptures or say your prayers but I promise it will stack up.  Do something every day that will help you grow closer to our Heavenly Father.  God loves you and is always anxious to hear from you!   Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) Me & Tina...a Slagelse member legend

2) Tina's husband owns an Italian restaurant on the beach in Slagelse 

3) Me with a member of the high council in our stake

4) I met a friend in Copenhagen

5) Nyhavn

6) A really yummy treat


Nyhavn at night