Hello everyone! Another fun week in the books. I started the week off by going on splits with the Elders in Herning. I was with Elder Møller. We had a great time working and so it ended up being a successful splits day.
It snowed this week in Denmark (which is rare) and it makes winter here so much better. We didn't get any last year hahah. We came back from splits and had Zone Conference which was fun. My boys, Elder Madsen and Elder Moderizitsk,i gave a great training about enjoying life, staying in the moment and reminding us how lucky we are. It was good to reflect on that :)
Friday I went on splits with Elder Ngatikaura. It was super good to be with him. I always leave splits happier then when I started with him. He's a great guy! We had a quick nerf war, walked around Aarhus finding, and had some good convos which made for a great time. Sunday morning we got a call from a family in our zone asking us to come move some stuff for them because they needed to move that day, so we drove to Randers and helped them. I love being able to help and serve other people!Alma 34:8 "And now, behold, I will testify unto you of myself that these things are true. Behold, I say unto you, that I do know that Christ shall come among the children of men, to take upon Him the transgressions of His people, and that He shall Atone for the sins of the world; for the Lord God hath spoken it." I love you all and so does Jesus!
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