Monday, April 26, 2021

Last transfer & new area

Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a good few weeks.  Sorry it's been a while!  I got a transfer call from President Olsen last week saying that I will be moving to Roskilde for my last transfer.   I am very excited to serve there and to finish out the mission in an awesome area!  

Last week I went on splits with two of my past Danish was awesome!  We went to my first area of Randers and worked there.  I got to take it all in for the last time.  We then went and had a great eating appointment with the Perkins family.  They are the best!

We also heard from some of the missionaries going home this transfer.  It was great to hear their testimonies!  Especially because I've basically served my whole mission with these missionaries, so it will be weird to see them go but I'm excited for them at the same time.

I'm so excited to enjoy this last transfer and the missionary lifestyle. I can't believe it's almost over!  Remember to be grateful for everything that you have and remember why we have everything we have!  God is good!  Have a good week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Back to the temple!

Hey everyone...This week was awesome!  We found two new people to teach from our area book so that's good and we've just been working hard.  

On Tuesday, we got to go into Copenhagen for the day and do Baptisms for the Dead.  It was an awesome experience!  I hadn't been in the temple since August of 2019 and it felt great to be back.  The water was so warm that we wanted to swim around in it hahah!  As you all know I'm a pretty big guy and my companion Elder Cousins is a big fella too so when we were doing baptisms it was like a tidal wave hit every time 😂  After the temple, we got to go explore Copenhagen with the district and show some of the new sisters the tourist spots.   It was a blast!  I've got a way fun district!  I'm very grateful for my mission here in Denmark and I'm gonna be sad to leave in 2 short months. Crazy!!

General Conference was the best!  I especially loved hearing from President Nelson.  I loved his simple invitation to us all to grow our faith and pray to find out how we can do that.  So that is my invitation to you all this week!  Keep growing your faith.  It will benefit every aspect of your life and will make you happier.  

Hope you all have a great week and that you try and come closer to Christ!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher