Thursday, June 3, 2021

Over and out

Hey everybody!

This week has been great!  Actually my last transfer has been great!  I've been enjoying Denmark so much and trying to soak it all in.  I'm grateful for my mission and everything it has done for me.  It has changed my life so much!  To anyone considering going on a mission, do it!!  It is the best decision I've ever made.

I'd like to bare my testimony in this email to kind of highlight a few things I've learned on my mission.  I've learned that the gospel is simple.  I have gained a greater testimony of its truthfulness.  I know that God hears our prayers and that He loves us.  We have physical evidence of His love all around us!  The biggest example of that evidence is the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I have seen some of my weaknesses on my mission but through the Atonement I can have hope and work through them continually.  I have come to know with assuredly that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  There is something indescribable when I read in it and the feeling of peace is unbelievable!  Read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it is true.  You will receive the same answer I have.  If I were to write out everything I've learned on my mission this email would be a mile long.  I'm so grateful for my mission, the people and best friends I have met here in Denmark.  The love I have for this place and this experience is impossible to describe!  I hope to continue my growth and keep becoming a better man when I get home.  

This is my last weekly so thank you to everyone who has been reading along through the last two years and supporting me!  It means a ton! Hope you have a great week and I'll hopefully see you soon!!

Love you all!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Friday, May 21, 2021

Only a few weeks left...

Hey everybody!

This week was super fun!  We got to go on splits with Elder Madsen and Elder Moderizitski which was great.  We stopped by a basketball court and played a little hoops where there were a couple kids who asked us if we could play.  We said of course and then about 10 more kids joined in.  It ended up just being them chasing us around and stealing our name tags and even my wallet hahah!!  They took a dollar fifty from me but it's all good.  They were screaming at their friends in Danish saying "flæk ham!" which means destroy him or kick his butt!  We also did an eating challenge while on splits.   We bought 24 nougat crossaints and 12 berliner.  We had 6 croissants and 3 berliner each.  It was so hard to do...I finished but not without puking!!

I've loved my mission and it has changed my life.  The last couple weeks I've been working hard and just trying to enjoy every little moment I can.  Remember that we need to live in the now!  There is no joy in looking in the past or the future because you will miss the now.  Remember that God blesses us with each day, so enjoy the day!   Love you all!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Monday, April 26, 2021

Last transfer & new area

Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a good few weeks.  Sorry it's been a while!  I got a transfer call from President Olsen last week saying that I will be moving to Roskilde for my last transfer.   I am very excited to serve there and to finish out the mission in an awesome area!  

Last week I went on splits with two of my past Danish was awesome!  We went to my first area of Randers and worked there.  I got to take it all in for the last time.  We then went and had a great eating appointment with the Perkins family.  They are the best!

We also heard from some of the missionaries going home this transfer.  It was great to hear their testimonies!  Especially because I've basically served my whole mission with these missionaries, so it will be weird to see them go but I'm excited for them at the same time.

I'm so excited to enjoy this last transfer and the missionary lifestyle. I can't believe it's almost over!  Remember to be grateful for everything that you have and remember why we have everything we have!  God is good!  Have a good week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Back to the temple!

Hey everyone...This week was awesome!  We found two new people to teach from our area book so that's good and we've just been working hard.  

On Tuesday, we got to go into Copenhagen for the day and do Baptisms for the Dead.  It was an awesome experience!  I hadn't been in the temple since August of 2019 and it felt great to be back.  The water was so warm that we wanted to swim around in it hahah!  As you all know I'm a pretty big guy and my companion Elder Cousins is a big fella too so when we were doing baptisms it was like a tidal wave hit every time 😂  After the temple, we got to go explore Copenhagen with the district and show some of the new sisters the tourist spots.   It was a blast!  I've got a way fun district!  I'm very grateful for my mission here in Denmark and I'm gonna be sad to leave in 2 short months. Crazy!!

General Conference was the best!  I especially loved hearing from President Nelson.  I loved his simple invitation to us all to grow our faith and pray to find out how we can do that.  So that is my invitation to you all this week!  Keep growing your faith.  It will benefit every aspect of your life and will make you happier.  

Hope you all have a great week and that you try and come closer to Christ!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher 

Monday, March 22, 2021

Aarhus to Herning!

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a little while since I wrote. Things are going well out here!  I got moved to an area called Herning which is in the western part of the Jutland.  I was super sad to leave Aarhus and the members there.  I love Aarhus!!  Before I left, I was able to go on splits with one of my old comps, Elder Millett who just went home.  We're all starting to drop like flies out here.  I'm now with my MTC buddy Elder Cousins.  There is never a dull moment with him, it has been great!!  We've been trying to soak up Denmark and work as hard as we can for our last two months here.  We've been riding our bikes this week and it's been a blast!  Elder cousins took a big spill but popped up like a champ hahah!

As I have had time to think about my mission and now that the end is coming closer, I have realized how God has had his hand in my whole mission.  I have seen how Gods plan is always bigger and better than mine.  When I have an idea of something that would be "fun" or "cool" like an area or companion, God puts me back where He needs me to be.  It can be hard to trust in Him and trust that He knows best, but trust me, He knows best.  We have to humble ourselves and listen to Him and His plan and follow it with faith.  Serve God and be thankful for everything He has given us.  

I love you all.  Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Monday, March 8, 2021

Samsø fun!

Hey everyone!  Another good week here in Denmark.  We had splits with the my good friends Elder Madsen and Elder Moderizitski.  They are two good dudes!  It's always fun to be with them!  I am grateful for all the missionaries in my mission and how close everyone has become.  There's not a lot of us here so we're like a big family :)

We had a lesson with Oscar this week and he is very close to being baptized!  We invited him to be baptized and he said he is almost ready to take the step.  Please pray for him!  Sadly, Erki dropped his baptism date.  I think his family helped him change his mind which is sad but hopefully we've planted the seed and one day it'll happen.

Today we went to an island that's in our area called Samsø.  It was super fun to explore!  I'm gonna miss Denmark a ton!  It is a great place that has changed my life.  As I was sitting on the beach today just thinking, I had an impression that I needed to pray.  I prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for all the things he has created and for everything he has given me.  After I said the prayer my mentality changed for the rest of the day.  I now know that when I had the prompting to pray, it was like I could feel that God truly is my Father and just wanted me to talk to him.  He loves us all indescribably!  He sent his only Son to make it so we can come back to him again.  Please try everything you can to get in touch with God daily.  It will change your life!

I love you all!  Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Monday, February 22, 2021

Goodbye my Aussie's

Hej!  This week was a little crazy, but good. We had a quick transfer in the mission, because the 2 Australian missionaries got flights home that opened up at the last minute.  I will miss Elder Ngatikaura and Elder Appleby a ton!  They were two great comps and are now friends for life.

We are teaching two friends right now who are progressing towards baptism.  The first one is a 17 year old named Oscar.  He is such a cool kid!  He has read the Book of Mormon, which is huge, so we're helping him learn more and more.  The other is Erki.  He is a diplomat from Estonia and has also just finished the Book of Mormon.  He says he wants to be baptized!  If everyone at home will pray for them, that would be much appreciated!   

Remember that God works through miracles everyday and a lot of times those miracles come from us to others.  

I hope you all have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher

a few throw backs to my days with Appleby and Ngatikaura