Hey everyone! Another good week here in Denmark. We had splits with the my good friends Elder Madsen and Elder Moderizitski. They are two good dudes! It's always fun to be with them! I am grateful for all the missionaries in my mission and how close everyone has become. There's not a lot of us here so we're like a big family :)
We had a lesson with Oscar this week and he is very close to being baptized! We invited him to be baptized and he said he is almost ready to take the step. Please pray for him! Sadly, Erki dropped his baptism date. I think his family helped him change his mind which is sad but hopefully we've planted the seed and one day it'll happen.
Today we went to an island that's in our area called Samsø. It was super fun to explore! I'm gonna miss Denmark a ton! It is a great place that has changed my life. As I was sitting on the beach today just thinking, I had an impression that I needed to pray. I prayed and thanked Heavenly Father for all the things he has created and for everything he has given me. After I said the prayer my mentality changed for the rest of the day. I now know that when I had the prompting to pray, it was like I could feel that God truly is my Father and just wanted me to talk to him. He loves us all indescribably! He sent his only Son to make it so we can come back to him again. Please try everything you can to get in touch with God daily. It will change your life!
I love you all! Have a great week!
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