Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a little while since I wrote. Things are going well out here! I got moved to an area called Herning which is in the western part of the Jutland. I was super sad to leave Aarhus and the members there. I love Aarhus!! Before I left, I was able to go on splits with one of my old comps, Elder Millett who just went home. We're all starting to drop like flies out here. I'm now with my MTC buddy Elder Cousins. There is never a dull moment with him, it has been great!! We've been trying to soak up Denmark and work as hard as we can for our last two months here. We've been riding our bikes this week and it's been a blast! Elder cousins took a big spill but popped up like a champ hahah!
As I have had time to think about my mission and now that the end is coming closer, I have realized how God has had his hand in my whole mission. I have seen how Gods plan is always bigger and better than mine. When I have an idea of something that would be "fun" or "cool" like an area or companion, God puts me back where He needs me to be. It can be hard to trust in Him and trust that He knows best, but trust me, He knows best. We have to humble ourselves and listen to Him and His plan and follow it with faith. Serve God and be thankful for everything He has given us.I love you all. Have a great week!
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