Thursday, August 1, 2019

Peace Out MTC.....

Hello friends and family- This week was really good. It's my last week in the MTC, because I leave for Denmark on Monday. If there are a few things that I've learned in the MTC they would be:

-Patience with myself and other people around me
-How to work hard mentally
-How to become closer to God & Jesus Christ
-How to feel and recognize the Spirit
-How to become stronger mentally than I ever thought I could
-How to get along with ALL different kinds of personalities

The MTC is honestly one of the best places in the world! I wouldn't trade these six weeks for anything. The first two weeks, I didn't know if I could make it, but the spirit of comfort that I've felt here has been crazy! Instead of feeling bad for myself and thinking about what I could do to make me feel better, I learned to focus my attention on other people and I soon forgot about my sadness or my problems. I think that's a good lesson in life...if you're ever feeling down or sad just think about how you can help someone else and you'll stop feeling bad for yourself and you'll start feeling good inside for helping someone else. 

Another thing that I've tried to do is look at people and how God sees them, instead of how I see them. It's crazy how much love I have for everyone else around me when I do that. I'm excited to get to Denmark and even though I probably won't be able to understand anyone, I know that eventually I'll be able to talk them like a native Dane.

The last piece of advice that I'd give to anyone going into the MTC is you'll get out of it what you put into it. If you go into it with a positive attitude and know that you can't control your environment like you could at home, then you'll be fine. Work hard and follow the rules even though they may seem really, really weird. Ha, Ha.

A few funny things this week:

it was a little later on in the evening and we got a knock on the door from a "lights out" patrol Elder so we snuck away into a handicap stall in the bathroom to eat our chips and salsa for a little longer.  It was a blast and we were not captured.

One of our Danish instructors caught a few love birds (who happen to be janitors for the MTC) kissing in a room that they were cleaning. So I guess it's possible to find love in the MTC!

Love you all!  Thank you for everything that each of you have personally done for me! Next time you hear from me, I'll be in Denmark!!

Ældster Fisher

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