Monday, May 18, 2020

Am I not motivation enough?

This week was awesome!  We had district council with President and Sister Olsen and it was so fun!  I gave a training on motivation through our faith in Christ.  It went awesome!  I shared an experience I had a couple of months ago where I was praying for motivation and I heard a voice as clear as day say "Am I not motivation enough?" It hit me like a ton of bricks.  After I told the story in district council, it was dead quiet and President Olsen said that as I was telling the story, he looked out the window and could have sworn he saw Jesus with little children around him and how they all loved him and worshipped him.  So that was cool!!

President Olsen asked Elder Ngatikaura and myself to go over to Bornholm for a few days to touch base with the members there and to do some contacting.  I’m super excited about it!  Bornholm is a little Danish island just below Sweden so we’re headed out on a 6 hour ferry ride at midnight on Tuesday.  I’ll let you all know how it went next week!

Have a great week everyone!!  Love you all and keep on keeping on.

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


Some of the sights around me right now 

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