Hey everyone! This week was good. I got a new companion last Monday. His name is Elder Grabe. He is from Esbjerg, Denmark and he's a nice dude. He did home MTC for 3 weeks and then was ready to get out into the field. I drove with another missionary to Elder Grabe's home (a 3 hour drive...one way), where we had lunch with his family and then I was the lucky one to take him away. Ha ha. It was actually pretty rough to watch his parents be so sad as we loaded up his luggage and drove off. We then drove to the mission home in Copenhagen where we had dinner with President and Sister Olsen and the one other new missionary and his companion. It was a good but long day once we made it back to Slagelse and got him settled in our apartment. But, we have been working super hard and we're each learning new things being together.
On Thursday, I was able to help out with a baptism of an 8 year old boy in our ward so that was a cool experience. Then we got to watch general conference with one of our friends this weekend! She was super happy to listen to it and enjoyed it a ton. I especially enjoyed President Nelson's talk about letting God prevail in our lives! Sometimes it's easy to get caught up with things that don't matter in our lives. I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who sent his Son to Earth and that he has given us a prophet on the Earth today! Hope you guys all have a great week and remember to let God prevail!
Kærlig hilsen
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