Monday, December 28, 2020

Last Christmas in Denmark

Hello everybody! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!  This week was great!  In Denmark they celebrate with four days of Christmas and we were lucky enough to celebrate each day.  The 23rd we were with the Rosenkilde family and we ate Risengrød, which is a special kind of rice that's cooked with milk and topped with butter and cinnamon's pretty darn good.  On Christmas Eve, we spent the night with the Perkins family.  It was awesome!  We had a traditional Danish dinner and then watched the kids open presents and just hung out.  They gave us a few gifts too.  It was a super fun night!  Christmas Day we went to another members house and ate dinner and spent time with her.  It was a great way to spend my last Christmas here in Denmark.  I'll never forget it!

My spiritual thought for this week comes from Helaman 3: 27 & 28.  It says:

27 Thus we may see that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his Holy name

28 Yes, thus we see that the gate of heaven is open unto all, even to those who will believe on the name of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God

I came across these scriptures this week.  It made me think how the Book of Mormon is often worded in such a simple but powerful way.  It is the key to a strong testimony.  If you read it daily, you will gain a testimony of the truth of the Book of Mormon which will help you gain a testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, that the church was restored to the Earth and that God lives and Jesus is his son.

I hope you all have a great New Year & can make resolutions that will help you come closer to Christ.

Love you!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Merry Christmas!

Hello everyone!

This week was a good one! I'm now living in Aarhus and it's been a good time.  I love this big(ish) city and the ward here.  Elder Langmann is super fun to be with.  He's a funny kid...definitely a German in a lot of ways like he's super blunt but hilarious!  We had an eating appointment with a family last night and they have a bunch of kids so it was so much fun to be around them.  I felt like I was right at home because they were all running around being wild.  It's crazy how much you get to love the people of the country you are serving in.  

We had Mission Leadership Conference this week so I got to go back to Slagelse and see Elder Madsen and some other people.  It was awesome!  I also got to see Elder Ngatikaura and Elder Laurence.  It was a great week because I got to see 3 of my homies from the MTC.  

Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope you all remember why we really celebrate.  I want to bear my testimony that I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer.  I know he is the Son of God.  Without him, we would all be lost and I'm so grateful that God loves us enough to send his own son to Earth to lead us, guide us, walk beside us and make eternal life possible.  I challenge all of you to bear your testimony to someone this week! 

I love each and every one of you guys and I'm grateful for you all!

Glædelig jul!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Goodbye Slagelse, hello Aarhus

Hey guys!  I didn't have much time to write today so this will be short and sweet.  I got transferred from Slagelse to Aarhus!  I was really sad to leave Elder Madsen but I'm grateful that I'll have him as a life long friend.  On the other hand, I'm now with a German companion named Elder Langmann!  He is hilarious hahah.  I will also have two of my best buds in the same district (Elder Ngatikaura and Elder Laurence) which will be fun. 

I know that God knows us individually and loves us.  You can know that too if you will pray about it!  Have a great you all!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Bark bark!!

Hey's been a good couple weeks here in the homeland.  I've been to Copenhagen a couple of times for splits and it's always awesome when I get to go do that.

A funny story was that today we were out grocery shopping and a super drunk guy came out of the store and started yelling at us. So instead of getting mad, I couldn't help myself so we drove by him and gave him a few barks and he flipped us off again and started running towards so I decided to drive around the store and come back and bark at him again.  Don't worry, we were in our streets clothes so he couldn't tell that we were missionaries but I'm not sure he could've figured out who we were even if we were dressed in our Sunday best.  Sometimes you have to make your own fun :) 

I am so grateful to be in Denmark serving a mission.  My life has changed forever because of it. Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher