Monday, December 7, 2020

Bark bark!!

Hey's been a good couple weeks here in the homeland.  I've been to Copenhagen a couple of times for splits and it's always awesome when I get to go do that.

A funny story was that today we were out grocery shopping and a super drunk guy came out of the store and started yelling at us. So instead of getting mad, I couldn't help myself so we drove by him and gave him a few barks and he flipped us off again and started running towards so I decided to drive around the store and come back and bark at him again.  Don't worry, we were in our streets clothes so he couldn't tell that we were missionaries but I'm not sure he could've figured out who we were even if we were dressed in our Sunday best.  Sometimes you have to make your own fun :) 

I am so grateful to be in Denmark serving a mission.  My life has changed forever because of it. Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher 

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