Monday, November 23, 2020

Lots of Copenhagen

Hey everybody! This week was super fun!

We were in Copenhagen on Tuesday and Wednesday and it was fun to be with 2 more elders from my MTC group.  I got to go on splits with a former sister missionary from my grandparents mission on Temple Square.  It was fun to catch up and just to be in Copenhagen!

We had a mission conference and we got to walk around Copenhagen.  It was awesome to be with the other missionaries!  I'm always way more uplifted when I leave them.  I then went on splits with my old trainee, Elder Grabe.  We had a good time! Right as we were about to go to bed I got a call from the APs. They said we need to go help some elders that ran out of gas close to our area 😂  so we got our shoes on, went and got a gas can and drove out to them.  It was hilarious and a fun night hahah!

I loved the video of President Nelson! I know that he is a Prophet of God and he guides our church through direct revelation from God. If you haven't done it yet, take his challenge.  You wont regret it :)  I love you all!  Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

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