Monday, November 16, 2020

Back with the OG

Hey everybody!  The last 2 weeks have been great.  This week I got a new companion, my MTC companion Elder Madsen!  It's been super fun to be with him again.  I've enjoyed it.  This week we put our friend Mette on baptismal date!  She answered all of the baptismal questions perfectly and so we are making a goal for the 16th of January.  I also got to go back to my first area (Randers) and see Niels get baptized.  Back in the day, Elder Millett and myself found Niels and taught him his first lessons so it was super awesome to see him get baptized!  I love the gospel and the opportunity to become better each day.  Use the greatest gift ever of the Atonement and enjoy the blessings!!  I love you all...have a great week :)

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher

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