Thursday, July 4, 2019

One week down

Happy 4th of July everybody! This has been the longest, hardest week of my life by far but it's been really cool to see how much you can learn in a week. The MTC is a crazy place! You're constantly going, going, going and it's really hard work but I've grown so much. My district is awesome and so is my companion. He's a stud. His name is Elder Madsen and he's from Oregon. I'm so lucky to have him, he's helped me feel normal and keep pushing through the days. I'm studying the language for about 8 hours out of the day and I can tell you that the gift of tongues is for sure real! I know that I have a long way to go with the language but I'm learning more and more every day. I've never missed my family this much before but I know I'm doing the right thing and I know this is what I'm suppose to do and I'm suppose to go to Denmark.
Two things that I've learned this week: 
1) if we have faith in Jesus Christ, anything is possible. 
2) this is a completely foreign environment with tons of people that I don't know but the one thing that is familiar to me is the gospel. Reading the book of mormon brings me peace and comfort. I know it'll only get better from here.
Whenever I see a fence, my first thought is to jump over it and run home (ha, ha) but I know I'd be mad at myself if I didn't stick to what I've already committed to do.
The spirit here is super strong. I'm so grateful for the opportunity and I have to be here. Even though I miss everyone at home so much, I know I'm where I'm suppose to be.
Until next you all.

Ældste Fisher

PS: getting emails or letters is the best thing ever so drop me a line when you get a chance :)

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