Thursday, July 11, 2019

No more jumping...

Hi everybody! Hopefully you all had a good week. Celebrating the 4th of July in the MTC was cool. We got to watch the Stadium of Fire fireworks and we had a devotional on religious freedom and it made me realize how lucky we are to be able to worship how we want and free to believe what we want. 

Fast Sunday was hard, but it was a cool experience because it was my first fast Sunday in the MTC. I had to rely on the Savior and it really helped a lot. Especially thinking that my wimpy 24 hour fast is nothing compared to what he has sacrificed for all of us. 

The Danish language is a tricky one. We are putting about 8 hours a day into learning it so hopefully I'll know some things when I get to Denmark. I'm getting better at understanding it and I've already taught three 30 minute lessons, so that's good. 

Learning more about the Gospel has been one of my favorite parts of the MTC. It's calming and gives me a break from the language classes. 

Funny story...On Monday, we were jumping in the elevator and one of the guys noticed a light flickering like something was wrong, but we didn't believe him until it totally stopped. We opened the doors and realized that we were stuck in between floors. It took about 30 minutes before someone could get it fixed and get us out of there. Whoops. I guess no more jumping in elevators for me. 

I've already learned so much and I'm getting more and more excited to get into the mission field.  I have just over 3 more weeks and then i leave.

I love you all and hope you guys have a good week!  I'd love to hear from you! My email is:

Until next week!

Ælster Fisher

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