Hey everybody! I've officially hit the half way mark in the MTC and I'm getting to where I actually really like it here. I'm getting closer and closer with my district...they're all good guys.
On Tuesday I took a day trip with three other elders in my district to San Francisco to have my visa appointment with the Danish consulate. We had to be up and ready to go at 3:30am. We left the MTC, went to the airport and then caught a 7:00am flight to San Francisco. We went straight to the subway station and then onto the consulate for our appointments. After, we did have time to go to Ghiradelli square for one of the best ice cream cones I've ever eaten. Then we headed back to the airport. While we were waiting for our flight, a man decided it was his time to come over to us and tell us why he thinks we're going to Hell. That was fun. I asked him if he has ever read the Book of Mormon and he said "I've read enough" then I said "how much is enough?" and he ignored my question. Even though I wanted to punch him square in the face, I really wanted to go up to him after and thank him because it only made my testimony stronger. But, I have to say that it was soooo nice to get out of the MTC for a day and eat normal food and talk to a lot of members that were so nice to us.
Today, we got to clean some of the Provo temple for a few hours during our P-day. The spirit was super strong there. The temple is closed for the whole time that I'm in the MTC so it was cool to be able to go in there and feel the spirit, even if I was just on the cleaning crew.
Other than that, it's been a pretty normal week with lots of Danish and lots of gospel study which I'm loving. The MTC is getting super packed down here! We have to wait about a 1/2 hour every night at dinner time just to get a plate of food. It's crazy but fun to see lots of missionaries that I know showing up at the MTC. Only 2 1/2 more weeks and I'll be headed to Denmark!
Hope everyone is doing good. Love you all! Remember to pray and read your scriptures.
Ældster Fisher
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