Monday, August 26, 2019


Hello everyone!! Hope you all are doing good and to all the people that started school this week...good luck!! This week was awesome! We had a zone goal of finding 60 new friends this transfer and we as a zone found 23 this week!  Diligence and hard work will get you places!  We had a training with the zone leaders and one of them did an object lesson where we all put rocks in our shoes and jumped around and ran on them. He related it to how if we have spiritual rocks in our shoes whether it is faith, doubts, fears or disobedience (mainly for us missionaries) all we need to do is hand them over to Jesus Christ because he will always take our rocks and burdens from us. All we have to do is give them up and have faith in him!! I love the members in Randers and this gospel.  I'm so lucky to be able to share it.  I miss all of you but I know that I need to be here.  

Something funny that happened this week was when we were walking down the street and this guy screamed at us... "MORMONS!" The dude was so drunk and he talked to us about how awesome our church is and how much he disliked some other races and churches (oh boy) and he said he wasn't religious but if he were to join a church it would be ours and he wants his daughter to marry a member of our church hahaha!! We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was so happy.  

Love you all so much and I pray for y'all always!! Remember that no matter what you're going through, Christ is always right there to pick you up!! Pray always and rely on him and our Heavenly Father.

Ældste Fisher


1) a "cute" Danish house
2) me and my comp
3) one of the best sandwiches I've ever eaten in my life
4) we toured a Danish church on our p-day - it was different but cool


our life most of the time - riding our bikes in the rain :)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Denmark Week 2

This week was super good. It seemed like it flew by! We have been working hard and I can't tell you how many times a day we get asked if we are Jehovah's Witnesses Haha Haha..  but it's all good. I love it out here and I love Denmark. Our friend Samuel is good we met with him this week and I got to show him a conference talk about how we are all Children of God. It's by Bryan Taylor in Spring of 2018 you should all watch it!! It is so fun to be a missionary because daily we see miracles and Gods hand in the work with us. I love personal study in the mornings. I just read the Book of Mormon and i have gained such a strong testimony of it. I know it is Gods word. One thing I've learned how to do is roll with the punches more and just to have fun!! Like anything in life, if you don't make it fun and enjoy it, you won't be successful!! We have placed more Books of Mormon this week and have 4 return appointments and that is because we are genuinely happy to be out here. Now that doesn't mean we don't get rejected every day when we contact. We get told "ellers tak" which is like a nice way of saying no thanks Haha. But we were contacting and we met this guy Frederik and he was so excited to hear about it and we are meeting with him sometime this week so pray for him!! Love you all and miss you all!! Remember to pray and read daily it will change your life I promise. Oh and in Danish I learned a couple funny words this week... one is that "fart" means "speed" and so I took a pic with a fart sign so there you go. Love you all have a good week!!

Ældste Fisher


- on splits with the Skive Elders
- at Zone Conference with some of the other elders
- Danish street
- me and Elder Grossnickle setting up the chairs for church
- Din Fart 😳

Monday, August 12, 2019

First Week in Denmark

Hi all! So I've been assigned to Randers, Denmark for my first area!!  It's located in the middle/top of the larger Jutland island in the Northern end of the country. Randers is cool for the most part and a little bit industrial looking too. My companion's name is Ældste Grossnickle and he is different than me in a lot of ways, but he is also very nice. It's pretty here and the members are the nicest people ever. Being a missionary in the field is so weird sometimes, but we see miracles every day and I feel more like a normal person now that i can ride a bike and breathe fresh air. I loved the MTC more than I thought I would and I actually miss it at times.  No one really wants to listen to us and soooo many people answer the door pretty much naked, not kidding, so that's something to get use to..... I love the grind though. My danish is coming along. I can speak wayyyy more than i could when i first got here (a whole week ago)!!  My district is super cool and I enjoy getting to know them all more. I went on splits Friday in Århus with some of the other Ældste's and it was so fun. So, we are teaching a guy who came to church Sunday and I really hope he will be baptized. His name is Samuel and he is so sick. We are  going to commit him to baptism this week and see if he will accept.  There are very few baptisms in Denmark, so I'm excited to watch him change his life and hopefully accept the Gospel.  It pours rain here all the time haha so i had to buy a backpack and some rain pants that are waterproof so that will be good to stay dry.  i am so happy and good and I am making myself laugh at the little things by making noises to myself and telling myself jokes.  We don't have phones yet, but this Friday is Zone Conference and we are going to get them, as our mission becomes an official technology mission. I love you guys so much and miss you all, but this is awesome here and I love being a missionary. Also, my Mission President and his wife are the nicest, coolest people I've ever met!  I am so glad i have them. They are like family already.  I am grateful that i get this opportunity to serve my mission and i am excited for the future here in Denmark.  

Love you all.  Ældste Fisher

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

I have arrived!

We made it safe to the mission office and i love the President and his wife. They are literally the nicest and coolest people I've ever met!  As I type, we are in the mission office but soon we are going to go do some sightseeing than up to the mission home where we will try and stay awake for as long as possible. ha ha ha. The airline lost our luggage but hopefully we will get it back today. I meet my trainer tomorrow and i might be going to either Bornholm or Frederikshavn first or Copenhagen or idk hahaha. i love you guys so much I'm so excited for this and it feels so much better to be in the field (even though i can hardly understand danish). It's been super good and I'm excited. Talk to you guys Monday.  I love ya!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Peace Out MTC.....

Hello friends and family- This week was really good. It's my last week in the MTC, because I leave for Denmark on Monday. If there are a few things that I've learned in the MTC they would be:

-Patience with myself and other people around me
-How to work hard mentally
-How to become closer to God & Jesus Christ
-How to feel and recognize the Spirit
-How to become stronger mentally than I ever thought I could
-How to get along with ALL different kinds of personalities

The MTC is honestly one of the best places in the world! I wouldn't trade these six weeks for anything. The first two weeks, I didn't know if I could make it, but the spirit of comfort that I've felt here has been crazy! Instead of feeling bad for myself and thinking about what I could do to make me feel better, I learned to focus my attention on other people and I soon forgot about my sadness or my problems. I think that's a good lesson in life...if you're ever feeling down or sad just think about how you can help someone else and you'll stop feeling bad for yourself and you'll start feeling good inside for helping someone else. 

Another thing that I've tried to do is look at people and how God sees them, instead of how I see them. It's crazy how much love I have for everyone else around me when I do that. I'm excited to get to Denmark and even though I probably won't be able to understand anyone, I know that eventually I'll be able to talk them like a native Dane.

The last piece of advice that I'd give to anyone going into the MTC is you'll get out of it what you put into it. If you go into it with a positive attitude and know that you can't control your environment like you could at home, then you'll be fine. Work hard and follow the rules even though they may seem really, really weird. Ha, Ha.

A few funny things this week:

it was a little later on in the evening and we got a knock on the door from a "lights out" patrol Elder so we snuck away into a handicap stall in the bathroom to eat our chips and salsa for a little longer.  It was a blast and we were not captured.

One of our Danish instructors caught a few love birds (who happen to be janitors for the MTC) kissing in a room that they were cleaning. So I guess it's possible to find love in the MTC!

Love you all!  Thank you for everything that each of you have personally done for me! Next time you hear from me, I'll be in Denmark!!

Ældster Fisher