Hello everyone!! Hope you all are doing good and to all the people that started school this week...good luck!! This week was awesome! We had a zone goal of finding 60 new friends this transfer and we as a zone found 23 this week! Diligence and hard work will get you places! We had a training with the zone leaders and one of them did an object lesson where we all put rocks in our shoes and jumped around and ran on them. He related it to how if we have spiritual rocks in our shoes whether it is faith, doubts, fears or disobedience (mainly for us missionaries) all we need to do is hand them over to Jesus Christ because he will always take our rocks and burdens from us. All we have to do is give them up and have faith in him!! I love the members in Randers and this gospel. I'm so lucky to be able to share it. I miss all of you but I know that I need to be here.
Something funny that happened this week was when we were walking down the street and this guy screamed at us... "MORMONS!" The dude was so drunk and he talked to us about how awesome our church is and how much he disliked some other races and churches (oh boy) and he said he wasn't religious but if he were to join a church it would be ours and he wants his daughter to marry a member of our church hahaha!! We gave him a Book of Mormon and he was so happy.
Love you all so much and I pray for y'all always!! Remember that no matter what you're going through, Christ is always right there to pick you up!! Pray always and rely on him and our Heavenly Father.
Ældste Fisher
1) a "cute" Danish house
2) me and my comp
3) one of the best sandwiches I've ever eaten in my life
4) we toured a Danish church on our p-day - it was different but cool
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