Monday, September 2, 2019

30 Days Adventure

Hey everybody I hope you're all doing good!! This week was super busy but it was great!! Probably the highlight of my mission so far was that we had a "30 day in The Land Adventure" where we went to the Mission President's house for a night with my MTC district of 8 guys. So, we got up super early on Tuesday morning, took a 5 hour train into Copenhagen and then another 1 hour train/bus to get to the mission home. It was the best to see my buddies from our MTC district and hear how they are doing and had a couple trainings, we went to the temple and just chilled!! It was so fun!!  President Olsen even pumped up a few basketballs for us so that I could shoot some hoops in their backyard. It was awesome and I challenged him to a game of 1 on 1.  He declined by patting his belly and saying he might need to get a few pounds off him first, hahahaha! He is the coolest person! I love him a lot.  We got to do a session in the Copenhagen temple which was cool. It was in Danish though so I felt a little behind trying to translate it all, but my Danish is getting a lot better. Ha, ha. It was a quick trip but I loved every minute of it!

I went on splits this week so I got to spend some time with Elder Redd from Idaho. He's a beast! He's only been out one more transfer than me so we can relate being "greenies" and all. It's so nice to shake things up every once in awhile.  

We knocked on this guys door this week and he was legit screaming at us and telling us how we were brainwashed. It was funny hahah!! At one point, the guys dog tip toed out of his apartment and cowered behind my leg. I told the guy in Danish that his dog liked me better then him. He didn't like that comment. Ha, Ha. Oh well, you can't win them all.

Anyways something cool that happened was we were on the street contacting people and we stopped this lady and she said that her daughter told her that she chose her as her mom in heaven! So we gave her a brief run down on the Plan of Salvation and she said she got the chills and the spirit was super strong!! She had some questions for us that we were able to answer so we'll see how that goes. She was a very nice lady.

I love the mission! It can be sooooo hard some days, but it's all so fun and good!!  I look forward to this weeks adventures.  

Love, Ældste Fisher


1) my buddies from the MTC in front of the temple
2) found these sweet sunglasses in our apartment
3) ship port in Randers
4) me and Elder Redd out on our morning jog
5) my first trip to a Danish McDonald's...yummy

- another day on our bikes

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