Monday, September 9, 2019

Jensen's Bøfhus

Hi everyone and hope all is well back home. This week was great!  We found a lot of new friends and we had the opportunity to take a member out on splits. His name is Mads. He's 17 and he is a stud. He has 2 older brothers one is on a mission and the other just got back and you should have seen how excited he was when we asked him if he could come out with us.  While we were out with Mads, we taught a lesson to our friend Ali and we knocked doors with him it was so fun! 

One thing I've learned how to be better at on my mission is boldness. So there were two ladies out in front of their houses smoking (they were neighbors), so I talked to them both and one seemed kind of interested, but didn't want to say anything. I could tell she was interested because her friend had just told us no and was watching for her reaction and she paused. We walked away and knocked on the next door and then I had a huge feeling to go back and so we did and I gave her a Book of Mormon and we set up an appointment to teach her more next Friday.  She was so excited when I gave her the book and it made us so happy!! 

Another thing I've found on the mission is just how much God loves us. He sent his only begotten Son so we could come back to Him.  Jesus has walked the paths of our lives and I know for a fact he knows us and loves us. God loves us so much and He will forgive us of our sins, all we have do is ask and honestly try to be better!!  The cool thing is that we can always know for a fact that Jesus will always comfort us and be there when we think we are alone!! Pray every day and ask Heavenly Father to give us comfort and ask for help with whatever we need help with! I love this gospel!! 

One of the highlights of the week was on Wednesday. I was able to call home because it was my Dad's birthday. After finding out that we were going to be making spaghetti for dinner and our ground chicken was still frozen at home, he told us to go out to eat on him for his birthday. There is a fancy steak house in Randers called Jensen's Bøfhus (you pronounce it Yen-sen's Boof-Hoose and it means Jensen's Beef House....ha ha). It was delicious!! And much better then the spaghetti we were planning on that night.  So that made my week and happy birthday to my Dad! 

We were able to tour the mission a little bit this week too. We went on splits up in Aalborg on Friday. That was cool and It's only about an hour train ride from Randers. We knocked on about 150 doors and didn't get one person to talk to us so that wasn't so cool, but it was fun trying. 

A funny thing that happened this week was we were contacting and I stopped this woman and I think I scared her really bad because she farted louder than I had ever heard and I thought it was my companion, so I just kept going but after she said no thanks I walked away and was dying laughing hahahahahah!! 

Anyways I love you all so much and don't forget that Jesus Christ is always here for us, we just have to reach up in faith to Him!! Give all of your pains, burdens, sins, and trials to Jesus and he will take them. He loves you!!

Pray, read your scriptures and find a way to be happy each day!!

Love Elder Fisher


1) on splits with Mads
2) my delicious meal at Jensen's Bøfhus
3) the view from a members front porch after dinner at their home

1 comment:

  1. Love reading Elder Fisher's letters! He's such a great kid! The Dorius Fam is praying for him!
