Hey y'all! This week was a good one. It's the last week of transfers and I found out that I'll be staying in Randers with Elder Grossnickle for one more transfer. I wasn't too surprised about that one but I'm excited to be staying in Randers. I love it here!
We had Stake Conference yesterday in Århus so we drove up there with the Koch family. I flippin' love them! A few of their kids were making fun of the way us Utahns say certain things like: moun'ains instead of mounTains and den'ist instead of denTist. Ha, ha...I guess my Danish isn't the only thing that I need to work on. It was awesome to be at Stake Conference though and see all of the members and missionaries from my zone.
I got to go on splits with Elder Anderson this week too. He's from Syracuse and he's awesome! I'll miss him but I'm happy that I got to know him out here. It was fun to be with him on his last official split of his mission. We had dinner at an elderly members home and at the end of dinner, Elder Anderson asked that I share a message to leave with her. I had the feeling to share Alma 7:11. It was cool. Elder Anderson told me when we left that she has been dealing with some sad family situations recently and that scripture was just what she needed to hear.
We had four people drop us this week. Remember the lady that we met (she was out in front of her house with her neighbor and we went back and gave her a B of M)? Well, we went back to visit her and we saw her scurry back into her house when she saw us and we rang her doorbell 4 times and she never answered. Ha ha ha ha! That's the normal here. But no fear, we are looking for that oasis in the desert and hope that we'll find it one day. We'll find it eventually, it just depends on how thirsty we are!
My danish is improving which is so nice to be able to communicate with people more and more and see how the Lord blesses me! I love you all and I'm praying for you. Remember to pray and read and know that you are never alone! Jesus Christ sacrificed everything and we are never too far from his helping hand.
Until next Monday....have a good week!
Love, Ældster Fisher
1) Me in my new winter coat. It's starting to get cold and dark in these parts
2) Another "cute" Danish street in Randers
3) A delicious frog treat we got (and ate)
4) We found a storm trooper outside of an Elementary school
5) Me, Elder Grossnickle, my buddy Elder Laurence and Elder Redd at lunch today
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