Monday, September 23, 2019

Northern Lights - 3 Months In

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great week! This week was good here, but a little bit hard at the same time. I was able to go to Aarhus, with a brand new missionary this week and it made me realize how far I’ve come with my Danish. I was able to hold a 45 minute convo with a guy we met on the streets. It was pretty cool! He seemed interested at first, but he was very stubborn and it was frustrating by the time we finished our discussion. Still, it was a good test of my Danish skills!

We met a girl today named Amelia & she said that she thinks that we met her for a reason. She was quiet the entire time we told her about the Book of Mormon. She smiled when we gave her a copy & she seemed excited. We got her number, so hopefully we’ll get a chance to meet up with her again. One of my favorite quotes that I kept telling myself all week is “If you ever feel like God has turned his back on you, turn around”.  He’s always there, you just have to look for him. It’ll be a busy week this next week and it’s good to stay busy on a mission as the Lord loves a workin' man.  We have splits on Wednesday and Thursday and Zone conference on Friday and I'm excited to mix things up a bit this week. 

For P-day today we went to a small lake/pond called Fussingø. It was very pretty & it has a cool castle on the grounds. It’s starting to get cold & dark here so that means my skin is getting pasty white. Ha, ha, ha. I went for a run this week and a stick jumped up and poked me in the back of the leg.  Random, but it made me laugh!  One final thing was that as the sun went down tonight I was able to start to see the Northern Lights and it was so cool!!  I miss you all and please pray for our success here in Denmark!! Have a good week and Love you all.  


1) another prize winning sandwich
2) a view of the northern lights from my apartment
3) a cool church in Aarhus
4) me on a dock by the pond that we went to on p-day


Dang Danish stick (aka Badger) got the best of me on my run

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