Hey y'all!! I hope everyone is doing great and I hope everything is good!! This week was a great one!! I love it here in Denmark and I am so lucky to be serving the Lord. It still doesn't feel real that I'm on a mission. It's so cool, hard, and fun all at the same time!! This week I got to go to Aarhus with our zone leader Elder Kresge and that was such a good time. He is a cool dude!
We had zone conference on Friday and it was so good to see everybody and hear from President!! He is such a great guy! I always get something new when I talk with him. One thing that I tried to do this week was to focus on others and not myself. The more I did that, the more happy I was and more successful!!
Something funny that happened this week was we were jump roping this morning and my comp was having a hard time doing it and then he threw his jump rope as far as he could and broke a handle & screamed "I hate this thing" hahaha!! That Elder Grossnickle is a funny one. I have gotten closer to him and even though we are different, I love him!!
Do me a favor and read Alma 32 and take a minute to think about what you need to do to strengthen your faith!! God loves each and every single one of you so much and as a missionary I have been able to see that love for people every day and it has changed my life!! I love you all so much!! Email me and say hi!!
PS: We went bowling today for our p-day and it was so fun! Looks like my mad bowling skills are still on point :)
Love Ældste Fisher
1) me and my licorice pipe
2) chilling with Elder Kresge and some others in Aarhus
3) me and Elder GN with our loot from home
Video: - proof of my amazing bowling abilities
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