Have you ever seen the movie Groundhogs Day?? Well, that is what I've felt like this week. Bill Murray wakes up every morning to the same song on his alarm and he does the same thing everyday.... Ha, ha! Although I love my mission, i'm ready for a change this transfer! This is my last week of officially being trained and I've got a spring in my step. I'm ready!! Transfers are next Monday and i'll find out on Saturday what the plans are for me and probably a new companion. I'm excited to let you all know what's happening and I think I'll be staying in Randers. I really do love it here!
We did lots of finding this week. Not too many people are interested in talking to us, but that's ok we're still going to keep looking for souls that need the Gospel. On Friday I went on splits with Elder Krueger here in Randers, he's from Ohio and is a chill guy. We had a great day and worked our rears off.
So on Sunday, I got up and bore my testimony in Sacrament meeting on the importance of missionary work. The branches response was great! We have 5 eating appointments this week and hopefully we can get to know more members and see if they have anyone in mind that might be interested in meeting with us. Im convinced in this country, and everywhere, that members of the Church have to be looking for new members and not just the missionaries. The people here are great, but God is not at the top of their priority lists. I may have relayed the importance of Missionary work in a strong way to the Branch... Well, I figure it's better to be bold than sit back and watch.
I'm not going to lie, some days on the mission are rough. Like yesterday, we were out contacting and it seems like people were doing whatever they can to avoid us (bolt across the street when they see us coming or hurry and pick up their phone to look busy), it was pouring rain and I was sopping wet and I thought "what am I doing out here??" And then I quickly thought, "I know what I'm doing out here. I chose to be out here and this isn't my work that I'm doing, it's the Lord's work. Jesus Christ has gone through much more than we can imagine so the least I can do is give him 2 short years of my life". But I have to say, I was super excited to get back to the apartment and get dry and stay warm. The weather is turning cold and dark. In the winter I guess we only have about 6 hours of sunlight, so I'm getting ready for that with my "happy light" and vitamin D pills. Stay tuned for a picture of that...
Finally, one of the requirements of passing off training in our mission is to memorize D&C Section 4 in Danish. I finally did that and it is so powerful to speak that and remember the blessing of bringing souls unto Christ. I started reading the Book of Mormon in Danish and I'm excited for the growth I hope to experience learning the language and feeling the spirit. I am so grateful that I was called to this mission and that I can experience different things, good and bad, that I know will help others and myself for the rest of my life. I love this Gospel and know it is true. I love you all and look forward to next week!
Ældster Fisher
- rainbow
- just chilling on a net over the water
- ghost goody
- the best chocolate milk in the world
- me and Grossnickle singing happy birthday to his mom
- part of D & C section 4
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