Monday, October 21, 2019

No more training for me!

It's official. I'm not being trained as a new missionary anymore. Now I'm just a normal, non training missionary and I couldn't be happier. Ha, ha! President Olsen called on Saturday morning and let us know that I would be staying in Randers and getting a new companion, Ældster Millett. He had been serving in Fredericia for the past couple months and now he's with me. He's a stud! He grew up in Orem and went to Timpanogas High. He's just a chill, fun, cool dude so I'm super stoked about being companions with him. Elder Grossnickle was sent down to an area south of Copenhagen. I think I really will miss him. He taught me a lot in these past few months.

It's been a crazy day today. We got up super early to get Grossnickle to the train station. We went to Aarhus where I got off the train and he stayed on to head down south. I hung around there all day with a few of the Elders and then went back to the train station to pick up Elder Millett and head to Randers. After getting a quick bite to eat, we headed back to the apartment to get Millett kinda settled and then we went over to the church to do some quick emails and call home for a bit.

We had some good meals in some awesome members homes this week which is always fun. Also, I had a feeling to call one of the less active members in our branch. She's actually from Utah and is living in Denmark with her Danish husband and she said that it was nice that we called because her husband has been asking questions about the church so we are going to meet with them on Thursday. I'm excited for that!

I'm excited for another week and to see what it brings. I hope you're all doing good. When it gets dark and cold at home, think of me. I know how you feel. Times a hundred. Ha, ha. But I'm doing way good. I'm happy and loving every minute here in the homeland!

Ældste Fisher


- bike helmet selfie. Safety first.
- my chef skills are improving
- my official Danish Visa card
- on splits with Elder Jensen
- out tracking 
- sunset at the train station this morning

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