Monday, November 25, 2019

Get the freak outta my Face (Få frikken ud af mit ansigt)

Hey what's up everyone!! This week was a little bit slow on the teaching side, but it was still way good in so many ways!  We had interviews with President Olsen and it was so nice to see him!  He’s such a great man and he always knows just what to say.  He is a spiritual giant!  We had a couple people this week yell some stuff at us when we were contacting like "religion is s*** man" and some other great stuff I won’t write here, but I’ve learned you just gotta roll with the punches. This week I gave my first talk on the mission and I was a little nervous!  It was on the Book of Mormon and it went really good, but I didn’t say a word of anything I wrote down!!  It just tells you the spirit guides us when we need him.  I had a few members come up to me after and tell me it was exactly what they needed to hear this week.  That always makes you feel good.  We have fun and work hard on the mission and I may, on occasion, make an animal sound at people when we need a laugh or things get too intense...  Everyone’s reaction is priceless!  

If there is one thing that I have come to know, it is that Jesus Christ knows us personally and loves us.  He wants to see us happy and he wants us to come to him!  It is crazy if you read the scriptures how many times, he invites people to come to him.  Whatever it is that you need to do to come to him, do it!!  We have a mission conference this week and I'm so excited to see all my mission buddies and hear the messages!  We go to Copenhagen too, which will be fun!  

Have a good Thanksgiving and celebrate hard for me cuz they don’t do that here in Denmark and I’m gonna miss that turkey!!  I love you all and I miss you all!!  Come unto Christ!!

Med kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) me and my favorite book

2) cool ship parked in one of the bays here in Randers

3) Elder Millett and myself with some cool sisters in our district

4) a member showing us how to bake

5) a Mormons Bog selfie

Monday, November 18, 2019

District Fiesta

Yo, what's up everyone!!  I hope you are doing good and I hope everything is good back home.  This week was a crazy, crazy week!

On Tuesday we were out working, and we got a text from a less active member and her husband we are teaching.  She said that she had just had a second major heart attack and that she is in the hospital again, so that was way hard to hear that it happened again.  So, we kept a good attitude and said a prayer for her.  She lives about 45 min away and so we were not able to go see her this week, but hopefully we can give her another blessing next week if we see her.  We were then going to eat with a member, who is awesome, and has fed the missionaries in Randers for a while.  We got there and he said that we actually did not have a dinner appointment and that he is not going to come to church any longer.  That was a punch in the gut too, Bam!!  But it's all good because we had another eating appointment on Friday and guess who came?? This member wanting to leave the church!!  We walked him home in the rain and I stopped him, and I said "Erick, how did you get a testimony and he thought about it a lot.  We talked about some really cool things for a while and it really helped him and it helped me too.  One thing you learn quickly on your mission is that you never know what will happen next and to expect just about anything.  

This week we had a district party and we got to go bowling and eat some burgers! We celebrated getting our baptism mission goal this year!  I love the Mission and even though it can be brutal at times, I know that God is always pushing me through.  I've had a lot of times where I've thought "Why am I out here?" And something will always happen that will remind me why. I love my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and I know this Church is true!! I’ve got a challenge for everyone this week…. I want you all to read just a chapter in your Book of Mormon and try and pray every day and see how much happier you feel by the end of the week….  I know it will help!! I love you all and I'd love to hear from you so shoot me a quick email!! 


Ældste Fisher


1) Me and my B of M in the forest
2) What my name tag looks like most of the time
3) My district bowling

Monday, November 11, 2019

Week #&$%

Hello and another week down in Randers.  This week was a good one, but I don't have very much time to write.

One cool thing that happened this week is that were able to meet with Niels and Shelly, who we decided to contact on our less active list a month ago.  Shelly was a member as a little girl but she really doesn't remember anything about the church.  She married Niels (who is not a member) and moved to Denmark.  For the past few weeks, they have driven about 30 minutes to meet with us every Thursday.  Unfortunately, Shelly had a heart attack this last week so she asked us for a blessing.  I was able to give her a blessing in Danish and it was awesome and the spirit was so strong.  They are planning on coming to church on Sunday so that will be something to look forward to this week.

Zone Conference was on Friday.  It was awesome to get together with all the missionaries in our zone and learn from each other and from President Olsen.   One thing I have learned on my mission is that God speaks to us through prayer and if we listen he will help us with the things we need to know.   Take time to Pray!

It's starting to look like a lot like Christmas around here in Randers! It should because it's dark (like really dark) by 4-5pm and cold.  I am excited for my first Christmas in Denmark and from what I can tell they celebrate it like champs!

Have a great week and I'm praying for everyone back home.

Elder Fisher

Monday, November 4, 2019

Rainy Randers

Hej- from Rainy Randers. This week was a good one and we worked really hard and had a lot of fun (in the rain)!  We got to do some service for members so that was good (in the rain).  So, in case I haven't mentioned before, the Danish rain is insane! Ha ha ha!  Saturday we were out knocking doors and we weren't having much success (or none) and we literally got soaked.  I could squeeze my gloves and get a ton of water out of them.  I was thinking "What the heck am I doing out here, day after day in the RAIN?"  Then on Sunday we had an eating appointment with a couple of members and they told us that they had been struggling a little bit lately, but then they told us that they know we are ordained of God and whenever we were there they can feel the Spirit and they always feel better after we meet.  They also said that we are doing missionary work for the members too and to not forget that. We get so much rejection that this was very cool and motivating for me to have God answer my prayers through a member!!  Then I thought, "I know what the heck I'm doing out here!!"  As missionaries we are Perfecting the Saints too!

A funny thing that happened this week... We had visitors from Utah come to church and so we were translating English to Danish in Sacrament for the regular Danish members.  So this Utah lady was telling a story about how her son got something stolen in Columbia and she hunted the dude down and got it back, then a member turned around and said in English " she's a b****, she's a b****!!"  Really loud.  And in a really funny way.  Ha ha ha ha!!  They don't understand English swear words very well.  I believe he was trying to say that she was a bad "A" but called her the horrible "B" word.  My companion and I were laughing so hard!

I love the mission and I love getting closer to my Heavenly Father every day!!  My Danish has been improving a lot more.  I had a cool little experience happen to me this week.  We knocked on a door and a lady asked me and my companion where we were from and when I told her that I was from the USA she said she thought I was Danish after I spoke to her the first time!!  Yes, the gift of tongues actually works!

Well anyways, I love you all and hope you're doing good!! Keep praying, reading and striving to come closer to God in your life!!

Med kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


- me and Elder Millett soaking up the sun while we can
- Randers sunset looking out our kitchen window
- out on a morning run


- trying to teach my companion the art of the cackle
- proof of the rainy gloves