Monday, November 11, 2019

Week #&$%

Hello and another week down in Randers.  This week was a good one, but I don't have very much time to write.

One cool thing that happened this week is that were able to meet with Niels and Shelly, who we decided to contact on our less active list a month ago.  Shelly was a member as a little girl but she really doesn't remember anything about the church.  She married Niels (who is not a member) and moved to Denmark.  For the past few weeks, they have driven about 30 minutes to meet with us every Thursday.  Unfortunately, Shelly had a heart attack this last week so she asked us for a blessing.  I was able to give her a blessing in Danish and it was awesome and the spirit was so strong.  They are planning on coming to church on Sunday so that will be something to look forward to this week.

Zone Conference was on Friday.  It was awesome to get together with all the missionaries in our zone and learn from each other and from President Olsen.   One thing I have learned on my mission is that God speaks to us through prayer and if we listen he will help us with the things we need to know.   Take time to Pray!

It's starting to look like a lot like Christmas around here in Randers! It should because it's dark (like really dark) by 4-5pm and cold.  I am excited for my first Christmas in Denmark and from what I can tell they celebrate it like champs!

Have a great week and I'm praying for everyone back home.

Elder Fisher

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