Hej- from Rainy Randers. This week was a good one and we worked really hard
and had a lot of fun (in the rain)! We got to do
some service for members so that was good (in the rain).
So, in case I haven't mentioned before, the Danish rain is insane! Ha ha
ha! Saturday we were out knocking doors
and we weren't having much success (or none) and we literally got soaked. I could squeeze my gloves and get a ton of
water out of them. I was thinking
"What the heck am I doing out here, day after day in the RAIN?" Then on Sunday we had an eating appointment
with a couple of members and they told us that they had been struggling a
little bit lately, but then they told us that they know we are ordained of God
and whenever we were there they can feel the Spirit and they always feel
better after we meet. They also said that we are doing
missionary work for the members too and to not forget that. We get so much rejection that this was very cool and motivating for me to
have God answer my prayers through a member!! Then I thought, "I know what the heck
I'm doing out here!!" As missionaries we are Perfecting the Saints too!
A funny thing that happened this week... We had visitors
from Utah come to church and so we were translating English to Danish in
Sacrament for the regular Danish members.
So this Utah lady was telling a story about how her son got something
stolen in Columbia and she hunted the dude down and got it back, then a member
turned around and said in English " she's a b****, she's a
b****!!" Really loud. And in a really funny way. Ha ha ha ha!!
They don't understand English swear words very well. I believe he was trying to say that she was a
bad "A" but called her the horrible "B" word. My companion and I were laughing so hard!
I love the mission and I love getting closer to my Heavenly
Father every day!! My Danish has been improving a lot more. I had a cool little experience happen to me
this week. We knocked on a door and a
lady asked me and my companion where we were from and when I told her that I
was from the USA she said she thought I was Danish after I spoke to her the first time!! Yes, the gift of tongues actually works!
Well anyways, I love you all and hope you're doing good!!
Keep praying, reading and striving to come closer to God in your life!!
Med kærlig hilsen
Ældste Fisher
- me and Elder Millett soaking up the sun while we can
- Randers sunset looking out our kitchen window
- out on a morning run
- trying to teach my companion the art of the cackle
- proof of the rainy gloves
- me and Elder Millett soaking up the sun while we can
- Randers sunset looking out our kitchen window
- out on a morning run
- trying to teach my companion the art of the cackle
- proof of the rainy gloves
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