Monday, December 23, 2019


Davs venner!!

 This week was awesome!  We had a way busy week.  On Wednesday we had a mission wide conference for Christmas and it was so fun to see all of my buddies again from the MTC.  We heard from President, ate some way good danish food, played a gift game, and watched The Lion King (new one) and I loved it!  That movie is so good hahah.  It made me think a lot about Christ actually. There is a scene where the monkey talks about how the past can hurt, we can either learn from it or run from it!  That relates to us and why we are on Earth.  We are here to learn and grow!!  Through Christ, we can grow the most.  Christ is the savior and he atones for all of us perfectly, individually and fully.  He paid the WHOLE price.  Not just part and there is nothing left out.  He loves you!!

 We got back on Thursday from the conference and have had a good couple of days.  We knocked on a guys door and his neighbor came out and said no one was home.  So we then talked with that guy and he said he wasn't that interested but offered us a soda for the road.  We took it and said thanks and then knocked on the next door.   We finished the street and were walking back and the same guy came out of his door and asked us if we have anything about our church with us, so I offered him a Book of Mormon.   He was so happy when I said it was his for free and he said to us in exact words in danish "I will read the whole thing."  It was so sick!!  We got his number and we are gonna go back and talk to him after the new year!!

 On Saturday we decided to bike out to a nearby city and knock some doors out there.  Earlier that day my comp fixed his bike tire and so we thought we were good to go. The second we got to the city his other tire went flat.  We went to a store and bought a new tube and then it was the wrong size so we had to go back in and buy the right size.   It took about 45 minutes but we got it fixed again and then went and knocked a ton of doors and got some good talks in but not too much else.  We get back to our bikes and the tire was flat that he fixed the first time hahah!!  We just decided to catch a train and head back instead of walking an hour and a half.  Learning lessons of patience every day out here.  I love the mission and I love the Lord.  I'm not perfect and neither is anyone but all we can do is strive to be better than the day before!  I love you all and hope you have a Merry Christmas!! Remember why we have Christmas and serve people! Eat lots of good food for me back home!! I'm so grateful to be out here on the Saviors birthday serving him! No place I would rather be 🙂

 Shoot me an email...I'd love to hear from you!

 Glædelig jul!

 Kærlig hilsen

 Ældste Fisher


 1) For p-day, a cool return missionary from Denmark took us on a drive to look down on Frederikshavn

 2) Same lookout with Elder Ogden

 3) Official Mission Conference Christmas pic

 4) Me and my MTC buddies back together again

 5) Gift exchange fun

 6) My Christmas tree all set up :)

 7) Out on one of our biking adventures

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