This week was great! So I got transferred up to FREDERIKSHAVN! It is the northern most area on the mission and it is awesome!! My companion is Elder Ogden from Arizona and he is such a cool guy. This week was crazy! I got here on Monday, unpacked and stuff and then we ate with our ward mission leader, Jacob 🙂 I already love the guy! He gave me a chocolate christmas calendar and is way good to us! We worked hard this week! We knocked a lot of doors and contacted a lot but it was actually fun because Elder Ogden and I get along really good!
Up here in Frederikshavn we have one of the best branches ever! They are pretty much just one big family (quite literally they are all cousins) and everyone is so loving!! We played floorball on Wednesday night and it was so fun!! Its like hockey on a basketball court with a whiffle ball. There is a girl who is about 16 and she schooled me and Elder Ogden and embarrassed us hahah so we got some work to do. We had a couple eating appointments this week, which was fun. It was good to get to know everyone just a little better. We also had the Ward Christmas party on Saturday. We sang songs and danced around the Christmas tree and ate Danish food. It was a good time hahah a little different, but I went with it. There is a family named the Blankensteiners and they are not members except for the dad. They have three boys and they said they are going to get baptized soon. It is fun to work with them and get to know them. Their three boys remind me of my three little brothers so we are already really close. We were meeting at the church and Elias (who is 11) came up to me and told me he needed to show me something. He showed me the baptismal font and was so excited and happy!! It made my week for sure hahah I know I'm here for a reason!!
One thing that was funny this week was that we had an eating appointment with a family and their grandpa was there too who has Alzheimers. It was kind of sad but funny because he asked me and my companion at least ten times each if this was our first Christmas in Denmark, how long we have been here, and if we know what Danish people eat at Christmas!! He was sweet though and it was cool to meet him.
When I read the scriptures, I love reading in Alma. Two of my favorite chapters ever are Alma 34 and 36. It talks about faith in Jesus Christ and why we have the Atonement. I challenge you to look into it and see what you find out :) I love you and miss you all!! Thanks for all the helps me a ton!! Til next week!!
PS: we went up to Skagen today (the tip of Denmark where two seas meet) with a couple Elders from Svendborg. They came up because Elder Salisbury served in Frederikshavn and helped prepare for a Christmas concert we had so he came to watch it. We climbed around in some World War II bunkers and walked out to the top of Denmark!! It was so much fun! See pics below...
🙂 love you all!!
Kærlig hilsen
Ældste Fisher
1) Me in front of the Frederikshavn Church
2) Found a chair that fits me perfectly
3) Another "cute" Danish street (plus I needed to document the blue sky that day)
4) Skagen bunker
5) inside the bunker
6) Skagen beach
7) Elder Ogden and myself where the seas meet
8) a cool old church in Frederikshavn
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