Monday, December 9, 2019

Goodbye Randers

Elder Fisher was transferred today from Randers, Denmark to Frederikshaven, Denmark.   He served in Randers for almost 4 1/2 months and will miss the area and the people he has grown to love there.  Frederikshaven is the northern most area in the mission, and he is excited to be serving there with Elder Ogden from Arizona.  Skagen (where the North Sea and the Baltic Sea meet) and Albæk, where many of Elder Fisher’s ancestors are from, are now in his area.  No change in the rainy weather, but his spirits are high.  We look forward to an update next week on how things went on the transfer and this next chapter in his mission.   Until next week….   


1) One of my last days in Randers

2) Me with some of my favorite members (Bjorna. Clara and their son). They fed us almost every Sunday night

3) We stood outside the Book of Mormon musical in Aarhus and handed out B of M's to the people leaving the theater


Christmas band playing in downtown Randers

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