Monday, December 2, 2019

Mission Conference fun!

Godmorgen alle sammen!!

I hope everyone is doing good!  Here is a recap of the week:  Tuesday we got to go and do some service for a members Dad who is not a member.  It was way fun and good to help and we are hoping we can get him to Church! On Wednesday we had a mission conference and it was so good to see everyone! I'm awful at taking pics (sorry mom) so of course I have only one to show!  But anyways, it’s always good to hear from President and Sister Olsen and to be apart of their awesome trainings.  He is an amazing leader and always knows what to say to help us! We woke up at 3am that morning and took the train all the way to Copenhagen, so we got like 4 hours of sleep…. We drove home in a car with Elder Redd and Elder Laurence, which is always so fun and they are both way cool dudes! On Thursday we had Italian food for Thanksgiving dinner and our friends Shelly and Niels took us out to eat.  It meant a lot because it was my first major holiday away from home.  Niels, on the way home, said he is getting work off so he can come to Church and he is anxious to see how it goes and so are we!!  

A couple funny things that happened this week:

1.  We saw a member on the street and he told us that he talked to one of his friends, who isn't a member, and the guy asked if one of our Missionaries was handicapped? I thought "Oh crap what did I do this time?" But he was talking about my companion because he walks around without a jacket on and it's cold…Hahahaha!!

2.  A couple of people here in the mission have been playing a way fun game…. It's called "Who can find the sun first?" We have been playing for 3 weeks... no one has won... hahahahaha

But on a more serious note!! I've been reading a lot in the new testament. One of my favorite stories is of the women who said that if she could just touch Jesus she would be healed and because of her faith she was. (Mark 5:28-34) As Christmas comes it is a perfect time to strengthen our faith and relationship with Christ.  All we need to do is have faith and believe!  Christ is the reason I am on a mission and he knows me, and I want to serve the people here for him.   I can’t think of a better thing to be doing in my life right now.   Thanks for all your prayers.  Until next week.  


1) My first ever mission conference

2) Frosty fields

3) a Danish Santa eating a pretzel

4) Randers Reindeer

5) ...still waiting for the sun

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