This week the ZL’s came up on splits with us and when we were knocking doors this lady opened the door, stared at us for a good 20 seconds, screamed at us in Danish saying "goodbye!" And so Elder Peterson said "okay have a good day" and she screamed back "no no no!!" Hahah I think it's funny how scared people are of happiness and truth!! Oh well...
We learned a funny Danish phrase this week:
Far, Får får får? Nej, får får ikke får, Får får lam. It’s kinda like: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers but Danish style. And it’s about sheep instead of peppers. Ha, ha!
This week was a good one. Not too much went on, but I did find out on Saturday that I was getting a new companion. His name is Elder Welch and he’s from Gilbert AZ. He is a nice kid and so I'm looking forward to it. I will be finishing his training which will be stressful but cool. I’m excited for the challenge!
This week I have a scripture to go along with the spiritual thought. Alma 5:14. It asks; if we have received his image in our countenances. I think it is pretty easy to tell when somebody has the light with them. They are happy, and their eyes shine. We are here on Earth for a number of reasons. We make mistakes, learn, grow, and then hopefully get back to our Heavenly Father. What can we be doing better to receive the countenance of God this week?
The mission isn't easy but it is fun!! I'm gonna miss Elder Ogden but I'm ready for Elder Welch.
Love you all and I hope you have a good week!
Ældste Fisher
1) One of a kind pizza from Aalborg
2) Just chillin’ on a big rock
3) Delicious Danish hot dog
4) When it’s cold outside, sometimes you justify need a hot cocoa and cinnamon roll
5) Elder Ogden and I’s last night together
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