Monday, January 13, 2020

"Go for it Man"

Howdy!! This week was a great one!! Let's get into it...

This week I got to go on splits in Aalborg with an Elder in my district.  It's a big city and it is so sick!!  We had some funny stuff happen hahah. There was a drug deal that we witnessed like 10 feet in front of our face right before we got to the church to go on splits, we had a drunk guy yell at us on a bus about how stupid the Danes are and kept telling us to "go for it man!"  Hahah... and then we had a lesson in Aalborg and it was so sick.  I got the chance to bear my testimony on the Book of Mormon and I made a promise to the couple that if they read in it they would receive the answers they were looking for.  When I said that the girl said "that's a bold promise" and I told her that I wouldn't have said it if I didnt believe it!

I gave my second talk in sacrament this week!  Right before I was about to talk the second counselor came up to me and asked if I would speak for 30 MINUTES because the other speaker didn't show up so I agreed and just added some stuff in my talk and it actually went great.  My ward mission leader said that I spoke really good Danish and I only made one grammatical error the whole time!!  Gift of tongues, I tell ya!!

My spiritual thought this week is about God and Jesus Christ. I have found that as we make them the center of our lives everything becomes a little happier and a little easier to handle the trials that we all go through.  They are our bread and butter!!  They love us more than we could ever know.  I want you all to read Romans 8:31, 35-39.  I love you all and thanks to all of you who write me!!  Remember that you are never alone, God loves you, and try to put them at the center of your life and I PROMISE that everything will be better. 

Pray and read your scriptures.

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher


1) Aalborg waterfront
2) Street in Aalborg
3) View of the city
4) An outdoor gym to get pumped up

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