Monday, January 6, 2020

The Northern Elders

Hey!  This week was a good one.  Thursday night we traveled down to Randers to go on splits and stayed the night there.  It was fun to be in Randers for a day with Elder Modersitzki.  He's such a cool bro!  I miss Randers a ton and it made my heart happy to be there again :) Other than the road trip, it was a pretty normal week just working.

At church on Sunday, I prayed and ask God to help me see why I'm on a mission.  A lady got up and bore her testimony on missionary work.  She said that she knows it's not easy but it's so important.  She mentioned Elder Ogden and I and said how much she appreciated us and respects us.  One thing that I've learned while out here is that God answers prayers!  That's for sure.

A funny thing that happened...while we were out knocking there was a sign on a front door that said "If my dogs come out and bite you, lay down and act like you're dead or yell for help.  If no help comes, good luck!"  I thought that was pretty funny hahah so then we knocked on her door and her dogs came out and sure enough, one bit my leg and then attempted  to bite me in my nether regions.  I slapped it away and we just ran away from that house hahah!!  We then knocked the whole half mile street and every single person told us no :)  Fun!!

Anyways I love you guys and I'd love to hear from you!!!  Pray and read your scriptures it will make you so much happier!!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


- Me and Elder Modersitzki with my favorite green treat
- most of the Northern Elders
- just a small little kabob
- Randers sunset :)

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