This week was a good one!! We had Zone Conference so that was fun! I love learning from President Olsen and it was way good to see a lot of my missionary friends.
One of the highlights of my week was seeing my 16 yr old buddy, Mads Koch, from Randers. He came up to Frederikshavn branch this Sunday, with his grandpa who's the stake clerk, to see me and say hi! I love that kid!
Something cool and (super rare) that happened was that we contacted a girl on the street who would like to learn more about God!! What?! She texted us first after we had introduced ourselves and we should be meeting with her this week. We also met a guy from Poland this week and he didn't speak Danish so we told him we were from the US and he went crazy hahaha!! He started flipping out and asking us a bunch of stuff and talking about how much he hates the Catholic Church in Poland and how it's not right to pay to be baptized (which is true) and we gave him a card and hopefully we will talk with him again soon.
We met with a member this week and she told us her conversion story. She was Hindu and she started meeting with the missionaries and was doubting if God even knew her. She told us that she said a prayer and asked if God knew her and if he did, the first scripture she opened up to would show it. She opened to Isaiah 41:10 which says, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." She got emotional and so did we and then she bore her testimony about how God knows us and is aware of us. It was powerful! I would like to bear my testimony along with this member and say that I know God loves us and knows us. There have been countless times on my mission where I have prayed to Heavenly Father for some help or to see his love for me, and without a doubt every time I have seen it. It might not be the way we expect it to be, but it always happens. I love you all so much and I invite you to pray to Heavenly Father and ask him if he knows and loves you. You will receive an answer.
I hope you all have a good week! I love hearing from you all!!
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Ældste Fisher
1) Elder Welch role playing with a stuffed animal friend
2) Contacting selfie
3) Elder Welch makes a mean curry!
4) Me and my homie Mads
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