So this week we had a pretty busy schedule! We had splits with the AP's, splits with the district leaders and our normal work too!! It was super fun!!
We had a miracle that happened this week...we found a new guy to teach! His name is Karsten. He is such a cool guy! We met him on the street and he asked us a bunch of questions and was super curious. He even wrote a paper about Mormons when he was in school so he knew some stuff about us. He is an Adventist and a believer in Christ so it will be good. We meet with him tomorrow at our church. I'm so excited!
A little story real quick hahah (pics included)
My companion is the nicest kid but he definitely is not the most coordinated when it comes to riding bikes, as I've said before. This week we were biking to the church and I started hauling to the church and he took off after me. I got into the parking lot and I looked back just in time to see him hit a metal bar with his bike and do a flip off the bike superman style!! I ran over to him and luckily he was fine just a little shocked, but it was probably the funniest thing I've ever seen In my life!! I'm glad he's okay. Elder Welch keeps things exciting 🙂
God loves you all so much and I love you all so much!! The joy that comes from living the gospel is real and I love the gospel so much. Read every day and pray and I PROMISE you will be happier! Have a good week!
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Ældste Fisher
1) Me and a bronze buddy in Aalborg
2) Just eating a French fry pizza with some other missionaries
3) A pretty Frederikshavn sunset :)
4) Some of Elder Welch's bike crash wounds
5) Elder Welch's "I'm good, thumbs up" pic
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