Monday, February 17, 2020

Rubjerg Knude fun!

Hey everyone!! Hope this week was a good one for everyone!! This week was super fun for me 🙂

Our friend Karsten had to move his appointment to this week on Thursday so we are excited to meet with him and teach him the gospel!

This week we went to Rubjerg Knude which is a lighthouse on this giant sand dune on the western coast of Denmark!! It was so fun and so crazy!!  We went and stood by the edge of this cliff and the wind was so crazy that we could lean back and the wind would push us back up!  Then we decided to go jump off some sand cliffs and it was so fun hahah even tho there was sand everywhere... 

On Saturday we had a mission wide challenge to give out two Book of Mormons for each companionship to honor President Nielsens challenge for this conference.  We had 2 awesome miracles.  We found a guy named Eric who was on his way to a funeral when we stopped by and he said he believed in Christ.  He didn't seem very interested but I decided to go for it and offer him a copy of the Book of Mormon and he was so happy to get it!!  The other miracle was that we were walking on the street in the last hours before we had to go home and we found a recent investigator.  His name is Roger and he was reading in the Book of Mormon but when he moved he lost it so we gladly gave him another.

I'm so grateful for this gospel and the miracles, joy and peace that comes from living it.  My mission has changed my life in a lot of ways forever and I'm so grateful for it!  I challenge all of you guys to read in 3 Nephi 17 this week and think about the love Christ and God have for you as their children:)

Love you all!  I love hearing from you all!!

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher


1) me and one of my favorite ghost treats
2) just wearing my shades indoors
3) Fisher and Welch selfie
4) On the coast
5) Fighting the wind
6) The coolest lighthouse in the sand
7) Our district

1) Elder Welch tumbling down the sand hill. He's hilarious!

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