Monday, March 2, 2020

What's up Wasseam!

Hey guys!!  This week was good!  We had some cool experiences and also had some fun stuff happen.

On Friday we had a lesson with our new friend, Wasseam!  We met him when we were on splits in Hjørring last week.  He's a young kid (16 or 17) who is Muslim and wants to hear about our religion.  We taught him about the Restoration and answered a ton of questions he had.  He's still interested and wants to meet with us soon so let's hope this works out!

This week we were going to do some service for a member who needed help moving a playhouse in his yard, so we biked out to his house in the rain.  When we got there we were soaking wet but it was fine and actually pretty normal.  Once we started moving the thing we realized we couldn't get it to the back of the house so he just had us set it down and we didn't end up moving it after all hahah!!  It was still fun though because we got to try and help someone out!

We had stake conference on Sunday and it was so good to see all my friends from the mission and some of my favorite members from Randers 🙂  There was a bunch of great talks from the youth in Denmark!  It was so cool to see their faith and how awesome they are!!  One talk that stood out to me however was given by one of the counselors in the Stake Presidency.  He talked about 3 things we need to remember and 3 things we need to forget.

Three things to remember:
- Christ
- Sabbath day
- The worth of souls is great in the eyes of God

Three things to forget:
- Past sins and mistakes
- Others mistakes and sins
- Ourselves!

He talked about how the happiest we can be is when we are serving others!  I invite you all to write down every day how you served someone today and keep track of it.  It will boost your happiness and help you serve others better!!  If we worry about our problems we are missing out on helping other people with theirs, which in turn, will help us forget our own problems!  I love you all...have a great week!!

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher


1) Elder selfie
2) Sleepy Elder Welch
3) Still sleepy Elder Welch
4) Saw a cool Raptor in Frederikshavn. Had to document it because trucks are rare around here

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