Monday, March 9, 2020

Floor ball mishap

Howdy!!  Hahaha...a lot of the older people in our ward greet us by saying that.  They think we're cowboys!!

This week was a great one!  We had some miracles and a lot of fun!!  We were out street contacting on Saturday and we talked with a young guy named Rasmus.  He said he wasn't much of a religious guy but when I told him that our God is loving, forgiving, and has a plan for our lives, he was very interested and said he would love to learn more about it!  Earlier that day I had prayed for help in our area that we would find more friends to teach.  God answers our prayers :)

This week we were playing Floor ball (like hockey but with a whiffle ball) and I was running super fast with the ball when an aggressive, sneaky kid stuck his stick in between my feet and it was like someone stuck a stick in the spokes of my body bike hahaha.  I went down hard and fast and hit the ground something fierce.  Ouch.

My spiritual thought this week is about service and bearing your testimony.  There are opportunities every single day to serve people.  Some can be big, some can be small.  But whatever it is, DO IT!!  Service has made me the happiest because it gets me to focus on others, rather than myself.  Often times when you serve, you will also be able to bare your testimony to people which will also lift you up!  Do you see where I'm going with this??  The times when we are giving to others and focusing on their needs and how we can help them come closer to Christ, we will often come closer to Christ ourselves.  So forget yourself and go to work!  There are people who need to see your smiling face and people who need this gospel in there lives, and some of them can be members too.  Look for opportunities to serve others and try every single day to have the pure love of Christ in your heart and I promise this will change your life, like it has mine.

I love you all and I hope you have a great week!!

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher

PS: I found a really cool Crossfit gym in Frederikshavn.  I looked like a kid standing outside a candy store, staring into the windows.  Ha, ha.  One day I'll go back and get a Danish Crossfit workout in.


1) Outside Crossfit Frederikshavn
2) Inside shot of the gym
3) Huge shipyard
4) Just standing in a field in Denmark
5) Port in Strandby
6) Opposite few in Strandby


- Elder Welch and myself playfully pestering a chicken/bird/fowl. I have no idea what that thing is

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