Monday, March 16, 2020

Quarantined fun!

This week was a crazy one!  We are officially quarantined as a mission here in that's fun.  Not really.  We are only allowed to leave our apartment in the morning for exercise and once a day for an hour walk.  We are 4 days in out of 14 days (or more).

Other than that, we are doing great and I'm loving serving out here.  I don't have much to write this week because not much is going on but I did want to share a spiritual thought about President Nelson.  He has prepared us for this moment by creating the Come Follow Me program for us to learn and study with our families in our homes and telling us to take our vitamins lol!!  But for real, I know he is a Prophet of God and he leads our church today through our Heavenly Father.

I love you all and I love hearing from you especially because I'm a little bored in Frederikshavn lately.  Have a great week, live your lives and have fun (and follow the rules of course)!  Don't let the fear of Corona or anything else keep you from doing great things!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) took a picture with one of the members in Frederikshavn before it wasn't allowed to stand close to other people and before we were put on lock down
2) sunset out my window
3) a nice member dropped off some yummy food to us
4) we went to a cool park on one of our daily walks


1) Quarantined boredom 

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