We are doing well just living our lives (mostly in our apartment) and trying to adjust to this new way of missionary work. The Lords work will carry on no matter what. This is a perfect time for all of us to come closer to Christ and study every day. We never know when he is coming but we can try and be ready. FAITH OVER FEAR!
I wanna rip my hair out some days but I love the peace I feel from the gospel and being on this mission, even with its ups and downs. As for now, I'm staying here in Denmark to wait it all out. It's crazy how many of my buddies are headed home because of this virus. I'm definitely thinking of all of you!!
I love you all!! Have a great week, stay safe and healthy! I would love to hear from you all!
Kærlig hilsen
Ældste Fisher
1) Quarantine selfie
2) Overlooking Frederikshavn
1) More quarantine boredom
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