Monday, March 30, 2020

Lock down in Aarhus

Elder Fisher's mission president has decided to put the missionaries into groups of four to wait out the quarantine so Elder Fisher and his companion have moved down to Aarhus for the next few weeks.  As far as we know, he will be staying in Denmark to finish out his mission unless something else changes.  He's excited about that!  One good thing about being on a quarantine is that they have been able to take a few day trips to see some of the cool sights around them.  Here are a few pictures from his week :)

1) went to explore some cool WW2 German bunkers
2) Drove back up to Skagen to see where the seas meet
3) Selfie in Skagen
4) Drove to the west coast of Denmark to visit the Rubjerg lighthouse and sand dunes
5) Elder Fisher and Welch were able to call home on Sunday to teach their families a lesson on the Restoration

1) Talking to a seal up at Skagen
2) Inside one of the German bunkers
3) Elder Fisher sharing a message in Danish

1 comment:

  1. Okay I just want to say that K.O. is tooooooootally communicating with that seal.
