Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Golf and Hope

Heyl!! Sorry I didn't send a letter last week.  But, you're getting one this week so here you go...

This week has been great!  I'm loving being with three other missionaries, it's been fun.  The work of the Lord is still going forward!!  General Conference was fantastic!  I know Russel M. Nelson is a Prophet of God.  The spirit was crazy strong during all of conference.  

This week Elder Brown and I went for a run and after we'd been going for awhile, I felt so sick because we had eaten a lot of food the night before.  I ended up barfing off a bridge and just as I'm doing it, a cop pulls up and asks me what I was doing because it looked like i was leaning over the edge.  After i explained it to her we ran home and laughed really hard about it!!  ha ha

I LOVED Elder Hollands talk from Conference.  All we can do is have hope in these times and keep looking forward and be positive.  God loves you all...I know that for a fact.  I love all of you too!!  Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) We went golfing for our p-day which was fun even if I played like garbage
2) more golf
3) No shortage of TP here

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