Monday, April 13, 2020

Nykøbing Falster bound!

Hey guys!!  This week was great!  I'm excited for what the next few weeks has in store.  So we had transfers the other day and I've been moved down to Nykøbing Falster.  I went from as far north as you can go in Denmark to as far south as you can go.  It's an area on the same island that Copenhagen is on.  I'm with Elder Ngatikaura and Elder should be a great time with the three of us!

Easter was awesome!  I love thinking about Jesus Christ and the sacrifices he made for me and you.  We owe everything to him.  This week I want you guys to read in Alma 36 and think about what Christ has done for you :)

I love you all!!  Keep a good attitude, keep being happy, and enjoy every day you've got!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


!) Socially distance goodbye to the branch president and his family in Frederikshavn

2) What church looked like in Frederikshavn


1) We've resorted to sting pong to keep ourselves entertained

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