Monday, April 27, 2020

Let the light in!

Hey y'all!!  This week was a good one.  Just living the missionary life.  It's awesome to see that the Lord is still pushing the work forward through technology and through many different people.  We worked hard this week but also had fun.  We had our first district meeting in person and it's always good to see other missionaries!  We've also been able to teach about 10 member lessons online which is great because I haven't had a chance to meet most of the branch members because we don't go to church so I'm lovin' that!  Elder Ogden and Elder Rosenkilde moved out so it's just me and my homie Elder Ngatikaura.  Back to a normal 2 man companionship.

We had a devotional over Zoom last night with John Bytheway and it was awesome!  We talked about how we need to focus on our strengths and the things that matter.  He made an analogy of how the moon is 64 million times smaller than the sun and yet it can still block out the sun in a solar eclipse because of the distance it is at.  The moon is related to the questions and doubts we have and if we focus on them too much then it eventually blocks the light out.

Let the light in folks and focus on the good things in life like, Jesus Christ and his restored gospel, truths and happiness.

I love you all!!  Have a great week and keep fighting on!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


It was Elder Rosenkilde's birthday so we had a little party for him

Monday, April 20, 2020

Danish movie star!

Hey guys!!  This week was really good!  We had a couple member lessons through video chat which was fun and the three of us have been having a good time.  One of the highlights of my week was that I was able to do a baptism interview with a nice Danish lady.  She is good friends with a Danish actor by the name of Tomas Kofod.  Tomas sat in for the interview too.  He's a really cool guy!  He played Jesus Christ in a number of LDS movies and was also in 17 Miracles.  Pretty much a Danish movie star!  ha ha.  

Today we got a new Danish Elder to make us a four man named Elder Rosenkilde.  He's a way cool guy and I'm excited for him to be here with us!  He was serving in Brazil but was sent back to Denmark because of Covid-19.  It'll be good for the rest of us to improve our Danish more and more by living with an actual Dane!

We've been playing a lot of sports this week to workout which has been great even though we are all just a little rusty and stumbling all over ourselves. ha ha!  For our weekly adventure, we went to the coast where there are these really cool white cliffs in an area called Møns Klint. It was awesome and so pretty!!

The message that I want to leave with you guys this week is that The power of prayer is real.  I have found that out on my mission and I promise that if you reach out to God to get help with anything, he will help you.  Remember to put a smile on your face, have a good attitude and a hope that things will get better in the world!!  Keep praying, hoping and having fun!!

Love you all and have a great week :)

Kærlig hilsen 

Ældste Fisher


Møns Klint

Sporting fun!

Trio Selfie

Monday, April 13, 2020

Nykøbing Falster bound!

Hey guys!!  This week was great!  I'm excited for what the next few weeks has in store.  So we had transfers the other day and I've been moved down to Nykøbing Falster.  I went from as far north as you can go in Denmark to as far south as you can go.  It's an area on the same island that Copenhagen is on.  I'm with Elder Ngatikaura and Elder should be a great time with the three of us!

Easter was awesome!  I love thinking about Jesus Christ and the sacrifices he made for me and you.  We owe everything to him.  This week I want you guys to read in Alma 36 and think about what Christ has done for you :)

I love you all!!  Keep a good attitude, keep being happy, and enjoy every day you've got!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


!) Socially distance goodbye to the branch president and his family in Frederikshavn

2) What church looked like in Frederikshavn


1) We've resorted to sting pong to keep ourselves entertained

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Golf and Hope

Heyl!! Sorry I didn't send a letter last week.  But, you're getting one this week so here you go...

This week has been great!  I'm loving being with three other missionaries, it's been fun.  The work of the Lord is still going forward!!  General Conference was fantastic!  I know Russel M. Nelson is a Prophet of God.  The spirit was crazy strong during all of conference.  

This week Elder Brown and I went for a run and after we'd been going for awhile, I felt so sick because we had eaten a lot of food the night before.  I ended up barfing off a bridge and just as I'm doing it, a cop pulls up and asks me what I was doing because it looked like i was leaning over the edge.  After i explained it to her we ran home and laughed really hard about it!!  ha ha

I LOVED Elder Hollands talk from Conference.  All we can do is have hope in these times and keep looking forward and be positive.  God loves you all...I know that for a fact.  I love all of you too!!  Have a great week!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) We went golfing for our p-day which was fun even if I played like garbage
2) more golf
3) No shortage of TP here