Monday, August 3, 2020

Danish Bball

Hey everyone!  Sorry I didn't write last week.  This week has been good :)  It's always fun when you get to serve and help people!

Last week we had the all elders conference and it was so much fun!  We did some work then played a whole bunch of sports and it was awesome.  It was great to see all of my buddies in the mission!

We had a finding activity with my district and it was super fun!  It is always good to be with other missionaries and learn from them.  We also went on splits with other missionaries and that was a great time.

My spiritual thought this week is about faith.  We shared a spiritual thought with a member that was really cool!  We talked about how faith requires action.  A lot of times we think that by just having faith alone that a lot of things will happen.  We need to do our part also :)  God loves you all and Christ loves you too!  Have a great week :)

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


1) Safety first

2) All Elders conference

3) my MTC district and our original companions

4) holding a danish turtle

5) my view the other night

6) on our nightly drink and walk around town


The mission has set up a Facebook page to share with the Danish people and so we each make a video to post on the page. Here's my video :)

PS: I'm saying... "no matter how many times we make mistakes, we can keep trying because of Jesus Christ. Send us a message if you want to learn more"

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