Hey everyone! This week was super good. We had splits, district council, and a branch activity. We got to see a viking burial ground at the activity which was cool and we also ate some good food. It's been like 90 degrees here which feels like murder because it's humid and there is no air conditioning anywhere hahah!! It's funny because they have issued a level two weather advisory because Danish folk aren't use to this kind of heat.
My spiritual thought for the week is to study the Atonement and ponder what Christ has done for you. I can promise you as you do this, the spirit will be present and will testify to you that Christ did atone for the world. I love you all!! Have a great week!Kærlig Hilsen
Ældste Fisher
1 & 2) Viking burial site
3) Danish sunset :)
4) on splits and eating some good food
5) just doing my mask duty
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