Monday, August 17, 2020

Goodbye Nykøbing Falster

Hey everyone!

This week was a good one! I got transferred to an area called Slagelse with another Australian elder, Elder Appleby!  I'll miss Elder Ngatikaura, but I'm excited to serve with Elder Appleby!  Slagelse is the biggest city that I've served in so far.  It'll be my first ward too!  It's a small ward but bigger than a branch so I'll take it.  I'm excited to meet the members and spread the word to more Danish souls.  

My spiritual thought this week is about charity :)  Charity is the true love of Christ. That means that it is a perfect love!  I've tried to learn how to have charity on my mission and I'm still learning.  In 1 Nephi 19:9 it talks about how Jesus would be beaten, spit on, and many other things and he took it without hating those people, and then when Jesus was on the cross he loved the people enough to ask the Father to forgive them, for they knew not what they did.  Super powerful.  Christ loves you more than you could ever understand.  Heavenly Father loves you more than you could ever understand.  This week try to be more charitable to each other, and help those in need :)

P.S. shout out to my brother Nick for entering the home MTC!  He is such a stud and a great example. Love you bro!

Kærlig hilsen

Ældste Fisher


Goodbye Elder Ngatikaura


Just a ward activity sing along

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